The Niigmiin Toli today published another 300 names of individuals and organizations (99110330-99110495, 99250424-99250697) of Mobicom users that are heard by state law enforcement organizations.
Some of those organizations are as follows: Ivanhoe Mines, Police Department, Medica Mongolia, Altan Dornod Mongolia (Zolotoy Vostok), Mineral Resource and Petroleum Authority, MBB, Itochu Corporation, Zoos Bank, Atimos Trade, Constitutional Court, Khan Brau, Monrostsvetmet, Monnis group, Golomt Bank, Gatsuurt, Wagner Asia Equipment, Trade and Development Bank, Undur Dov tourist camp, Mercy Corp international, Konrad Adenaur foundation, Boroo Gold, Oriflame Mongolia, Newtel card, Embassy of USA, Mongol Gazar construction, and Mongol Daatgal insurance.
Member of Parliament B.Batbaatar (DP) said
If this is true, I'm seriously upset.There are three principles of democracy. First, freedom of expression. Second, right to private property. Third, right to have private secret. As a member of the Parliament's Standing Committee on Justice, I will put a question to the Prime Minister M. Enkhbold at the upcoming Friday parliament session. He is scheduled to answers to questions on civil registration. I think we should listen to what he would say.Member of Parliament N. Batbayar (DP) said
Listening to someone's telephone conversation is illegal operation. State law enforcement organizations are supposed to protect, not to spy citizens. Who knows if they use these informations for their own individual purposes. This is enough reason to resign the chief of the General Intelligence Agency.Member of Parliament R.Rash (MPRP) said
If this is proved to be true, this is totally unaccetable, and wrong actions.Member of Parliament T.gandi (MPRP) said
Obviously, it is incorrect. If this is true, not only human rights but also serious questions related to national security of the country will be raised.T.Sainjargal, Lieutenant Colonel, Press Officer of General Police Department, said
Long ago, information about Mobicom users were used to be taken based on official letters by State Prosecutors' Office and State Investigative Board if it is necessary. I don't know what has become now.Today at 11 o'clock Mongolian-Japanese joint venture Mobicom corporation is making a press conference at the MN Information center.
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